Learning Journeys
Parents and careers are a vital aspect of children’s learning and development. As the primary career and educator for their child, it is essential that parents and careers play a part in nursery life and the care and education that takes place within the setting.
Electronic Learning Journals such as Baby’s days this is an efficient and effective method for parents and careers to be ever more involved and in touch with their child’s learning and development. Staff within the nursery routinely capture photographs and videos as part of their observation process. These are then enhanced with a description of the skills that are being demonstrated and the learning that is taking place, based on links made to the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.
Through an app on their smart phone, tablet or computer, parents and careers have 24-hour, unrestricted access to their child’s learning journey and all of the observations and assessments completed within it. Simply downloading the baby’s days app and logging in via their registered details is all that parents need to do.
To allow parents and careers to contribute even further, the home observation feature provides a means to share photos, videos and information with the setting that the Key Person can use to inform their individual planning for each child.
Children learn skills and their interests can change rapidly, so a simple and effective way for parents and careers to share this information from home only strengthens the opportunities available to their child.